पश्चिम रुकुमको सोतीमा जातिय विभेदको कारणले निम्त्याएको त्यो कारूणीक र अति विभत्सहत्याको घटनाका हामी प्रत्यक्षदर्शी नभएता पनि जातलाई उच्च ठानि मानवतालाई तुच्छ ठान्ने प्रवृति प्रति हाम्रो खेद छ, र जातिय विभेदको चपेटामा परेर त्यसरी जीवन गुमाएका ति सम्पुर्ण नबराज बि.क.हरू प्रति यो गीत समर्पित गर्दछौं ।
put down words that have become a song Dedicated to Navaraj and Friends. We condemn the act of Casteism and Racism. We will always stand by the weak and the Voiceless.
Thank you Snehshree Thapa for tuning the song. My Brother Mani for his help on Sarangi.
Mixed and Mastered Robin Chhetri
Drums Sumy Gadal